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Dr. Elise Balaisis

Dr. Elise Balaisis

Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

What are some causes of bleeding in the third trimester?


If you have bleeding in the third trimester, you definitely should contact your maternity care provider. For the most part, bleeding can signal the beginning of labor and it can just be your bloody show. There are many causes of bleeding in the third trimester, and there are some that are more common and some that are more concerning, your doctor just needs to figure.

elise balaisis

Bleeding During Pregnancy

Dr. Vivien Brown

Dr. Vivien Brown

Family Doctor
Toronto, ON

Which women should be cautious about taking birth control pills?


The birth control pill is not the safest choice for all women. If you have high blood pressure that is being treated with medication and is well managed, your doctor can help you consider your safest birth control option. It is important to share your health history with your family doctor if you are discussing the best birth control option for you.

birth control pills

What Are Common vs. Rare Risks with the Pill?

Dr. Laurent Macle

Dr. Laurent Macle

Electrophysiology, MD, FRCP(C)
Montréal, QC

Options de traitement et de fibrillation auriculaire


La prise en charge du traitement de la fibrillation auriculaire n’inclut pas seulement de déterminer si le patient est à risque d’un accident vasculaire cérébral et d’anti coaguler le patient. Il faut aussi décider si on emploie une stratégie du contrôle de la fréquence ou du contrôle du rythme. Ce sont les deux stratégies de traitement qu’on peut employer chez des patients avec fibrillation auriculaire.

surgery cardiac ablation fr

Options de traitement et de fibrillation auriculaire

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